Shopping at Kroger.

We were almost involved in a three cart pileup in aisle 14 at Dupont Kroger yesterday. Linda was upset that there was no diet cranberry juice left so she pulled into traffic, almost t-boned a guy racing to the toilet paper aisle with one of those small, sleek grocery carts. After apologies we headed to the produce department for romaine lettuce…..too late. Racing back to the egg cooler, we snagged one of the last three dozens, snatching the eggs from the hesitant old lady who was deciding if she would go organic. Damn…..they are out of coffee creamer again. Headed for the self checkout, carefully sanitizing the touch screen. Searching for UPC labels we scanned, paid and bagged our groceries. We failed to load all the coupons from the web site but still thanked the mysterious talking lady inside the checkout for her service. Walking out we complained to the Bagging Guard that we didn’t get an invite to the Kroger company picnic. The parking lot was packed,...