
Showing posts from January, 2025

My Inspiration

  She is called “an inspiration” by many people, almost on a daily basis.  On winter days she can be found walking around, in a circle at our local YMCA’s.  When the weather is suitable, she can be seen walking around our neighborhood or local trails.  She is a little crooked from life’s 76 years and staring down at her walking path prevents much sight seeing. She walks about 7-8 miles a day, and never misses the daily journey.  Her path is now about 22,000 miles of foot travel in the last 11 years.  It’s therapy….both mental and physical, she says. Linda has always been a person that perseveres, never giving up.  She has four college degrees, starting her doctorate at the age of 50 and working full time while attending college classes. Linda has been giving herself a daily shot of insulin now for over 57 years as a type 1 diabetic.  According to the Eli Lily Corp, she is perhaps the longest user of their insulin in Indiana.   Linda Pete...

Chuck and Remy

John Peterson J a n u a r y   2 ,   2 0 2 0     ·   Shared with Your friends My brother, Charles (Chuck,Pete) died 11 years ago, Jan 3. The day after his birthday. It does not seem possible. 2Jan1952-3Jan2009 Remy, my dog, now has been with me for 5 years. He and I are both over 70 (human years) and we have mellowed and bonded. Remy follows me everywhere, burrows into my coat when he gets cold.....and as Linda says....never takes his eyes off me. I honestly think he would die protecting me. This all brings me to this conclusion....Chuck’s spirit lives in a Remy. As kids, I was older, calmer...Chuck, like Remy had an excess amount of energy and devotion. Chuck used to just shiver in anticipation (as a 3-5 year old) in anticipation of Christmas, birthdays or anything special to him. I remember him standing at attention, arms at his side, waiting for Mom to praise or reward him. Remy does the same thing.....and I think of Chuck every time. ...