The Stare.

You know the one I am talking about. When they pull their cell phone out of their pocket and give it the stare.
It could also be called a glare, it is intense. They just stared at their phone two minutes ago, but there they go again. What exactly are they waiting for?
One would think they were praying to some cellular god that lives inside their phone. "Please god, have someone call or text me". I am so lonely.
Cell phones, like computers, have empowered the meekest and weakest of us with a sense of power. Someone has texted me, therefore, I am important. If I were to miss a would be the end of the world, as we know it.
I spend a lot of time waiting in airports. I feel like Woody Allen, observing life on this planet. For the most part, everyone in the airport is looking at their cell phone. That L.E.D. light emitting from the phone shines on their face. Perhaps God is really talking to them from his enlightened throne.
I am no exception. I do have a rule that I do not take my cell phone into stores when I have business with the owner. I am old fashioned, to answer a phone while in a meeting is rude.
We have our house for sale. I interviewed three realtors. One of the realtors had a blue
tooth stuck in her ear, every time she came to the house. This told me something about
her priorities. That phone call, that I might get, that might be important, that can't wait.. more important than you.
She didn't get the listing.