Latta Lake

We live on this lake in northern Indiana. It is not a large lake, about 50 acres or so. Just big enough. 

My family owns most of the lakefront property. It has been handed down from 
generation to generation. My wise grandfather bought it about 1954. It is a special place. 

We allow fishermen to launch their boats for a fee of $3.00. It is on the honor system and most are honorable people. I have often thought that honor and fishingwent hand in hand. Other than the occasional fisherman, we seldom see outsiders on our lake, especially in the winter. I like that. 

Our lake has a soul. It lives and breathes like any of God's creatures. It even suffers. I think of this lake as a member of the family, a kind, giving uncle if you please. The lake talks to me in the morning as I sit out on the patio drinking my coffee. 

Sandhill cranes, splashing bass, honking geese........our lake has many voices. 

When I am hungry, the lake provides me with food. When I am hot and stressed, the
lake caresses my body. When I am tired, the lake lulls me to sleep with it's 
gentile symphony of evening sounds. 

My mother often told me that there are three things in life that soothe the soul. Watching a dancing fire on a cold night, watching wild creatures go about their 
daily lives........and watching water. 

I have the best of all those worlds currently, and I am very grateful for it.


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