A Gift from George Wallace

I was reading the newspaper one morning in 1992 and was intrigued with an article about George Wallace, former governor of Alabama and presidential candidate in 1968.  I was not a fan of George or his populist, segregationist view.  What I admired about most about him was his lifelong support for blue-collar workers, and common folk.

George Wallace was shot and permanently paralyzed below the waist in an assignation attempt on May 15, 1972.  At the time he was a Democrat presidential candidate.  Most people did not know that George Wallace renounced his segregationist ideology in the 1980's.  He was reelected governor of Alabama in 1982 with substantial support of black voters.   He retired in 1987 and spent the remaining  years of his life raising money to send young people (both black and white) to his wife Lurleen's alma mater, Troy State University, in Troy Alabama.

My daughter, Lisa, was in her first year of college at St. Petersburg Junior College.  I told her about the article that said George gives a full ride scholarship to ONE Florida student every year....to Troy State.  We decided to apply.

Lisa and I sat down, wrote a letter to George and sent it to: Governor George Wallace, Montgomery, Alabama.  (Nothing else).   

Yes, my daughter received that one scholarship.  Her volunteerism, attitude, and wonderful personality was most important to Troy State.  She was the winner of the Excellence in Leadership Scholarship.

George Wallace gave us something that could not be appreciated at the time.  Lisa graduated with a degree in Marketing in 1995, was active in a Sorority, made many friends and loved Alabama and "Southern Rock".  

Lisa left this earth in 1999.  Linda and I are so glad George and Troy State made her short life so wonderful.


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