
Showing posts from June, 2024

African Queen

About 1988, I bought a 14' wooden cabin cruiser (tugboat actually) with a 1955 Elgin 5hp outboard from an old guy that built it, in Tarpon Springs, Florida. It had a fog horn, windows that opened in front and lots of wooden extras. Then engine was made by the ELGIN Watch Company. My friend Gordon, Lisa and I took that boat out into the Gulf, cruising the scallop beds along the coast. I loved that boat but would not be crazy enough to take it out in the Gulf today. I always thought of Humphrey Bogart in African Queen when I boarded her.

Miss Pete

One picture I have has always intrigued me. It is one of my favorites. This is that picture's story. My grandfather, Cal F. Peterson had a younger sister, Dorothy (Pete) Mildred Peterson. Not much is known about her. I am probably the only family member that is aware of her life. Dorothy was born in 1907. She had two brothers and two sisters, Cal (my grandfather), Bea, Thelma, and Ralph. Dorothy was evidently an accomplished athlete, as were her other siblings. Decatur, Indiana's high school had a girl's basketball team, unusual for this period of time. The team went four years (1923-1927).....undefeated. Dorothy's sister Bea and cousin Isablel also played but it appears Dorothy was one of the stars. Dorothy married at 21, died at the age of 23. According to the death certificate she died of a faulty heart valve. A contributory cause was indicated as: Athletic Shock (the cardio-vascular system fails to supply enough oxygen-rich blood to the organs. She died a...

Linda's Uncle Ed.

This is Linda's uncle Ed Stiles, in his bear skin coat. Linda's mother wrote a poem about him and his funeral. Ed always seemed larger than life.  He was a salesman, selling cigars and beer and an avid  sportsman.

Charles Melville Peterson, US NAVY

My Dad turned 17 in Feb 1944, 3 months before D-Day, June 6th. He had been waiting to turn 17 so he could quit school and join the Navy. His brother was a Seabee in New Guinea. A large number of his Decatur Indiana high school classmates did the same thing.   In my wildest dreams, I can't imagine this happening today.  

Cal and Edna Peterson

A short bio of Cal F and Edna L Peterson, my grandparents. Cal Peterson and Edna Neukom were married on 19 Dec 1924. Cal was 22, Edna 21. At the time of their marriage, Cal was a clerk for Erie Railroad. Edna was a housekeeper. Cal moved his family (at the time only baby Cal Merlin and Edna) to Indianapolis to serve as chief clerk of the Supreme and Appellate Court of Indiana. 1926-1930. Cal had aspirations of becoming a lawyer. At this time, serving an apprenticeship was needed. I suspect that the Great Depression and Edna’s eyesight played a factor in the family moving back to Decatur. It is not confirmed, but it appears that Charles, my father, was born in Indianapolis. 1927. The depression was hard on the young family; Cal reportedly left his family with Edna’s mother and rode rail cars to California (had family there) looking for work. The residence at 603 Penn St. was acquired about 1930-31. Grandma Edna told me it was purchased for $300.00, and had to be financed. Edna’s vision ...

