
Showing posts from August, 2024

That's Incredible

 It was 1984, I was making a delivery to the small coastal town of Ozona, Florida, it's population at that time about 300.  I noticed a hand painted sign, "Lot for Sale", on a heavily wooded lot.  Ridge Road, just about a block from the Gulf of Mexico and one of the highest lots in Ozona. I called the number and talked to Margaret Lawson, a retired teacher and author of many books about living in this part of old Florida.  Her father had left her 10 lots on Ridge Road and the sign was on one of the two lots that she had left.  Linda and I visited her and agreed to buy the highest lot.   Mrs. Lawson offered us the two remaining lots for $18,000.00 or one lot for $10,000.00.  We declined the second lot.  FYI.. there are very few lots left in Ozona now and it would cost over $100,000.00 to buy one. Next step was to find a builder that would build a house and allow us to do a lot of the work ourselves.  There was a TV show on at that time called ...

A Black Lady


Linda's musical family

Linda comes from a very musical family. Linda played flute and piano and was a member of the California State University (at Long Beach) Marching Band. Her father (Upton/Ben), played the clarinet and later, after cutting off four of his fingers in an accident, switched to the trumpet. Linda's mother, Ro, played piano and clarinet. Both her parents played in the Paul Mendelsson Orchestra, Los Angeles, The West Los Angeles Community Orchestra and practiced with the Santa Monica Philharmonic. Ben later in life played in a Senior Jazz Band in Vista, California. Linda's mother had a sister Jessie. Jessie played 1st violin and her husband George Moe, played the Cello, along with Ro and Ben in the various Los Angeles Orchestras. Remarks by Guy Moe, son of Jessie and George Moe: "My Dad took lessons from a Russian, Bruno Steindel who had replaced Pablo Casals (who went into exile), as the world's greatest cello player. Steindel played with a quartet that joined the M...

Our sixth move....out of eleven.


Are you all right?


My father's eyes



  This is a sad story, but still needs to be told for family. My uncle, Willard (Buck) Walker and his first child, Willard (Junior) Walker. The baby died at 6 months of age. This photo is one of my favorites. I colorized it and am adding my aunt Dorothy's memories....... The only thing that I remember is Junior died when I was around 6 or 7 years old and they had his body laid out in the corner of the living room next to the kitchen. I can still see Buck comforting Evaleen in the kitchen. I don't know why but I keep seeing him laid out in a little white dress with wings. Maybe I imagine the wings being so young but I am not sure as I still picture the casket in the right corner of the living room as you went into the kitchen. I do not remember what happened to cause his death.   Memories of Dorothy Boice Palmieri.