A State Of Mind

Leaving Latta Lake

Well, we departed Latta Lake after living there full time for 9 years and owning rental property for about 20.  It was a bittersweet breakup.  I am going to miss all my vegetable and flower gardens, my intercourse with all the fishermen, the wildlife and the beauty of a sunrise each morning, over the lake.

I won't miss the long trips to find a decent restaurant or grocery store.  I won't miss drive 35 miles to Mass every Sunday.  I won't miss being removed from the creature comforts I yearn for, at 72 years of age.  We won't talk about winter and the struggle to get up our steep road when the snow flies.

The biggest reason we moved will seem trite to some people.  Linda and I are walkers.  Real walkers.  We spend a couple hours each day walking and Latta Lake had nearby trails, that were accessible if you drove.  We wanted to walk out the door with our dogs and walk in a safe, comfortable environment.  So, we sold the lake house, and had a villa custom built to our life long ambitions......near some great walking trails.

This is the 5th house we have built, in 49 years of marriage.  We don't get attached to houses or cars.  This one has all the mowing, snow removal, raking, trimming and outside painting done for us.  I now have time to do all those things I dreamed of doing in retirement, but never did in 9 years.  I have never had a minute of boredom in retirement.  I can't find enough time to accomplish all the things I want to do.

This is our last move and last house.


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