Violet Elaine Boice

Violet Elaine Boice

I have always believed I inherited my mother's love of music and her fear of the poverty she knew as a child.

Mom was the daughter of a tenant farmer, she was born during the depression.  She grew up poor in rural Indiana.  There is no denying it.

Her father's first wife died of kidney failure at the age of 20 in 1925.  John was 25, Myrtle 16 when they married.  John was left with a 4 year old boy and a 1 year old girl to raise.

John married Laura Linton in 1928.  John was 33 and Laura 26.  John had raised his two children for 3 years with the help of Myrtle's parents.  

John and Laura had four girls, my mother was the oldest.  Life was tough. There were 9 mouths to feed, including Laura's mother who lived with the family.

Mom's father died in 1947.  All four girls were still at home.  John was 51 years old.  Step siblings George was 26, Evaleen 23.  Violet was 18, Ellen 16, Dorothy 10,  Joyce 7.

I believe this picture was taken shortly after Mom's father died.  The grief at her father's death and the thought of six women surviving on their own had to be devastating.  Mary, mother of Laura had moved in with the family when Dorothy was born.  About 1936


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